Archive for November 6th, 2007

great run

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

Got the babies settled down around 7pm after a rough day following their first round of shots.  After a rest day on Sunday to let all of Saturday wear off, I was still feeling a bit tight, but wanted to try to run some congestion out of my lungs.

Went off and was looking for around 3.5-4 and ended up under-estimating a bit.  Started to feel very tired and out of energy around mile 2 but around 3.5 started feeling the second wind.  Ended up pushing out 4.8 miles, somewhat by accident, but loved the route.  Plus it was mid 40’s and the wind was blowing.  Good time.

On another note, I’m not loving the daylight savings.  It is too dark way too early.  Hate driving home with the sun setting.