Archive for June 30th, 2008

Back in the Swing of things

Monday, June 30th, 2008

Wow, its a Monday, early afternoon, and I’ve already run and done some ab and shoulder work.  Woo-hoo!  This morning was one of those that allow summer to be bearable.  On my way to the Y by 6:20 and showing 64F on the temp gauge.  Can’t hope for better weather, and it was clear with a gentle breeze from time to time.  Couldn’t help but be excited by the rising sun and glistening dew.  Put in 4.3 miles in a little over 39 min.  But everything felt good.  Followed up with some crunches, chin-ups and dips.

Funny scene as I was apporaching the Y.  There were 2 huge jackrabbits that were flying across the field and about 75 yards behind and losing ground was a standard poodle, followed shortly by an english pointer.  The Y sits on the site of the old naval airfield and is complete with a couple hundred acres of empty fields.  As I was about 1.5 mi into the run, the pointer came back across the field and hopped up into its owner’s truck.  No idea where the poodle was.

On another note, harvested the first of a hopeful crop of zucchinis.  It is a very nice footlong specimen with a girth near 3.5 inches.  Can’t wait to grill it up.  Pics to come on the other site.